NTPC has signed a five-year agreement with Andhra Pradesh Forest Department for conservation of Olive Ridley Turtles in the coastline of the state.
New Delhi: In order to establish a comprehensive vision and guiding principle for conservation, restoration, and enhancement of biodiversity, NTPC on Tuesday has issued renewed Biodiversity Policy 2022. Objectives of the policy are to align with environmental and sustainability policies. It is also designed to support all the professionals of the NTPC group to help them contribute toward the achievement of the targets set in this field.
The company will further strengthen its current efforts to achieve a ’no net loss’ of biodiversity at all of its currently operating sites and ensure there is a net positive balance wherever applicable. It aims to mainstream the concept of biodiversity across NTPC’s value chain and adopt a precautionary approach for sustainable management of biodiversity in all the decision-making processes to ensure the Earth’s variety of life in and around the business units of NTPC. The policy also aims to adopt systematic consideration of local threats to biodiversity beyond the company’s business activities.
NTPC was the first PSU to issue Biodiversity Policy in 2018. In the same year, NTPC became a member of the India Business & Biodiversity Initiative (IBBI). NTPC is raising awareness among local communities, employees, and its associates across the supply chain about biodiversity through project-specific and national level trainings in collaboration with experts.
NTPC is also collaborating with local communities, organizations, regulatory agencies and research institutes of national/international repute in the field of biodiversity. It will be adhering to legal compliances with respect to biodiversity by complying with rules and regulations related to the environment, forest, wildlife, coastal zone, and green cover during planning and execution of its projects.
Additionally, it has signed a five-year agreement with Andhra Pradesh Forest Department for conservation of Olive Ridley Turtles in the coastline of the state. With the Financial Contribution of Rs 4.6 crore and increased participation of community, the no. of hatchings released in sea water as increased about 2.25 times since intervention by NTPC.