West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee had, on Saturday, said that the central government is ‘tormenting’ the people of the country by increasing fuel and cooking gas prices on a regular basis.
Lucknow: Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav on Sunday said that people of the country are reeling severely as income of every household has come down and unemployment has risen. He alleged that BJP’s ‘faulty economic policies’ is leading the crisis.
Yadav slammed central government for sharp hike in domestic gas cylinder prices. He said that it will have serious impact on our economy. He said that inflation is increasing with each passing day and common the common man are worst sufferer. BJP had promised ‘acche din’ but things are in opposite direction.
He said that because of the ‘faulty policies’, income of people has gone down, unemployment is increasing, and business has come to standstill. The ruling is pushing country into dark future.
Hours after announcing a hike of Rs 50 in the price of a domestic LPG cylinder, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Saturday said that the central government is ‘tormenting’ the people of the country by increasing fuel and cooking gas prices on a regular basis. The West Bengal CM said that the BJP-ruled government in centre is conducting a “great Indian loot” by announcing hikes in the prices of essential commodities, petrol, diesel, LPD, etc.
“The Union government must immediately stop tormenting the people of India! By repeatedly increasing fuel prices, LPG prices & prices of essential commodities, @BJP4India is actually conducting a ‘GreatIndianLoot’. People are being fooled. Sad to see the media silent & blind,” Banerjee said on Twitter.
Notably, domestic cooking gas price was hiked by Rs 50 per cylinder on Saturday. This was the second increase in the last couple of months. With the latest hike, domestic cooking cylinders will be available at a price of Rs 999 while the same will be available at a price of Rs 1,026 per in Kolkata.