The college authority, however, has been criticised from some sections who believe that that viewing pornography together as a class is “absolutely disgusting”.

New Delhi; A college in the United States, has reportedly offered pornography class where students and teachers will watch porn movies together. According to the college website, students will reportedly discuss the sexualization of race, class and gender. The porn class will be reportedly offered during the 2022-2023 academic year.
It has also been reported that the college will offer course in ‘hardcore’ pornography to the students. During the couse, students will sit down with their teachers to watch porn movies.
As per the reports, Westminster College in US city of Utah, for the first time, has decided to offer the course on pornography. The course falls under the ‘Film 3000’ programme and carries three credits.
The motive behind offering this course that teachers and students could the sexualisation of race, class, gender and as an experimental, radical art form. It offers some elective courses and the course on pornography is “an opportunity to analyse social issues”.
The management reportedly aim that the course related to pornography will help students decide if they wish to engage in a serious investigation of controversial subjects. The college authority, however, has been criticised from some sections who believe that that viewing pornography together as a class is “absolutely disgusting”.