The Chief Minister categorically said that they will show what Bheema Roop and Maha Rudra is if anyone challenges the Shiv Sena. Their Hindutva is as strong as Gadadhari Hanuman.
Mumbai: Coming down heavily in BJP over reciting of Hanuman Chalisa in front of his residence, Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray on Monday said that chanting Hanuman Chalisa is not a problem but the ‘dadagiri’ is. Thackeray, in a stern warning, said, “If you wanted to come home to chant Hanuman Chalisa then you are welcomed but if wanted to do dadagiri then we know how to break it up.”
The Chief Minister categorically said that they will show what Bheema Roop and Maha Rudra is if anyone challenges the Shiv Sena. Their Hindutva is as strong as Gadadhari Hanuman.
He said that the BJP is trying to portray that the Shiv Sena has left Hindutva. “What have we left? Is Hindutva a dhoti? That we put it on and take it off? We must remember one thing. Those who are lecturing us on Hindutva must ask themselves what they have done for Hindutva,” said the Chief Minister.
Lashing out at BJP, he asked, “When the Babri Masjid was brought down, you ran into your hole. The decision to build the Ram Temple was not from your government but from the court. And when it was built you went with a jhola to the people. Where is your Hindutva?”
It may be noted that the controversy was sparked after MNS chief Raj Thackeray gave an ultimatum to the state government over loudspeakers on mosques. He has said that his party workers will recite Hanuman Chalisa near mosques to down the azaan. Throwing its support behind Raj Thackeray’s party, BJP had opened attack its former ally Shiv Sena.
On Friday, Independent MLA Ravi Rana and his wife MP Navneet Rana announced to recite Hanuman Chalisa in front of Matoshree. On Saturday, as soon as the Ranas were ready to leave for Matoshree in Bandra East, the Shiv Sainiks gathered in large numbers and kept chanting slogans against the politician couple. While there was heavy deployment of police personnel at the Khar residence of the Ranas, the agitated workers managed to break the barricades and tried to enter the couple’s home.